Saturday, September 5, 2009

Whenever ....

Whenever wind blows too fast
reminds me of the past
memories flash in the mind
why the hell, she was so kind ?

Whenever stars shine too bright
Eyes filled with sparkle of light
I remember those moments
when her arms held me tight

Whenever warmth surrounds me
mind becomes thought free
sweetness of her touch
never felt contended as much

Whenever it begin to drizzle
am surrounded by a puzzle
should I go out and get wet ?
that reminds me of lovely talk we had

Whenever there was a quake
never could make me shake
but her departure
still seems to be fake.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Engine Calibration : The Gay Version

Engine calibration is a difficult task as may be known to most of my professional friends but for those who doesn't know a brief description follows in the next paragraph. Before proceeding further, let me clear first that this article has nothing to with my sexuality or any of the people who are associated with the engine calibration and it is just a mere attempt to write something out of the box and vague ...

A short description of engine calibration follows : It is the calibration of various actuators and sensors both independent and in unison with each other which is programmed in the electronic control unit which acts as a brain for an automotive engine. The various functions or rather in simplified sense say tasks need to be done before all the logic and data are freezed. To conduct these tasks the persons who work, are called as calibrators. The calibrator works on two locations: at the test bench for base calibration and in the vehicle for transient and other calibration. This calibrator is my main point of concern here because I was wondering what will happen if he happens to be a gay. So lets check out what could go wrong....

Base calibration : Let us not confuse here with the base what you all must be thinking about by now, its the basic calibration of sensors/actuators and air charge calibration. The engine basically considered as a male may feel discomfort in the presence of calibrator so the calibrator needs to be out of site of engine, which means longer length cables and more space. The calibrator would do every effort to see that engine runs at lambda 1.00 because that's the figure he loves to see the most. Consequently, he will never make it run on richer side and it would make engine run hotter than normal. He would give away with the calibration at high speeds arguing that it is simply unnecessary as engine is tender and needs care rather than generate power.

Vehicle calibration : First of all he may simply deny doing the vehicle level calibration as he sees beautiful female models leaning on the car at the launch and various functions. He may fear that this car may also succumb to marketing pressures and meet the same fate. The challenges that he may face are far far more distracting than a normal calibrator may face. The presence of so many men on the shop floor would require him to put more effort on concentrating. He may not like to do things as fast they could be done because he wants to spend more time together with the engine alone in the vehicle. The timeline would need reconsideration and project delivery may get delayed. He may not like to sit in the front seat if the engine is at the back of the car and can ask for redesigning the whole car.

The company would not be able to do anything about his unfair demands, as it would only invite litigations and protests from various newly formed associations for protection of gay rights.

So, its never in the interest of a engine or compnay to hire a gay calibrator.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Performance saga

Performance ....the word defines itself, is an important aspect of everybody's life whether its a school going child, a mother, a technician, a barber or even an engine. But what I am going to talk about here is the performance of a professional in a professional environment which we normally call as a office or for some people it may be a hotel or a petrol pump. So, I will call it workplace for the sake of convenience.

Measuring professional performance has always been a difficult task for managers and supervisors of any industry or services ,specially, when it has to be non-biased.

A corporate workplace is like a jungle where we find people as fierce like a lion and as cunning as a fox, then there are elephants who move around fearing nobody and have their separate space.
But when it comes to performance time or rather say the appraisal time all these wild animals become as gentle and hardworking as ants that anybody who has been remotely associated with the corporate world can imagine!!

Then the question arises in the mind of a manager " How to rate my reportees, they all seems to be good". But the problem is that, he has a limited supply of goodies for them. So what to do now ??
Now comes the most interesting part of this saga..and guess what ?? yeah its "unprofessionalism".

So, many thoughts, previous history of ratings and even personal relations now become a criteria for rating employees. "How many times did you smile at me in the last year" may now become the most relevant question for somebody's appraisal. "Doesn't matter if he could not achieve the targets", Ummmm....wait a bit " Were the targets given at the first time?" huh!! .
I will see to it that he does proper job next time but he has worked hard and had been nice to me...
By now the manager is clear about his decision based on the perfect blend of imaginary targets and ever-volatile personal relations.

But whats going on in the minds of employees of that manager who are going to be rated ?????????

A: " I have been working so hard all round the year. I did this , that ...blah blah...." "I should be rewarded properly or else I would have no choice but to leave this organisation."
B: " Yeah !! I have been projecting my work so well that manager must be happy by now and give me the top grades..he has no choice whatsoever."
C :"Its been long since I have worked on a thing which could really uncover my talent and I have told this to manager also...what he may be thinking..."
D: "I know that all this affairs are so secret and fair that nobody can influence it whatsoever, the god will do justice with me, after all I have been fair to all."

The traditional and professional methods of measuring performance cannot survive and are looked upon as over idealistic ways to tackle the task of appraisals which require a great deal of human touch and non-professionalism.

As wisely said by somebody " time and tide waits for none". The time for final declaration of results were about to come . The employees were awaiting like small children wait for sweets to be distributed. Workplace environment also senses the change and acts accordingly ..becomes the most happening place in the world in one moment and there prevails the silence of the sea in another moment.

Feelings of joy, anger, fear often mixed with an aroma of selfishness and hate mix in the oxygen and all living beings whether living or dead ( dead men working) are affected by its presence.
The time which was long awaited comes near and the productivity index falls like it has been stepped upon by angad( Hindu mythology character with firmest foot on earth).

Even the mutest of the guys in workplace now start socialising and there is a sense of unity among employees which sees company management in an enemy role.

Managers are looked upon as messiah and employees leave no stone unturned to see that they belong to valuable but unsatisfied lot.

As the D day approaches, rumours take the front seat of every vehicle and completely take over the cerebrum part of brain. Expectancy reaches its highest and even anxiety gets excited.

How to say ?? The results were out and it was decided in a so called high level meeting that there would be no increase in salaries this year and hope that all employees would keep their faith in the company management as before and strive for working hard even than before.

Employees were dissatisfied as always, even if hike was 50 % the state of minds would have been same but it was just the cycle of performance saga which runs every year which made them feel bad for some time. This cycle makes some to resign and see some new entries as well at the end.

What doesn't change is the saga and its legacy.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


How does it feel to be on bench? It is something that most of the software engineers might have experienced sometime in their professional lives except the lucky ones which were saved by the wrath of the economic recession. Now the question arises what a person can possibly do while on a bench? If it was physically a bench one could always lie down and sleep but it is not true in most of the cases. So, there is a scope of business for a company which can provide solutions and activities to the bench stuck talented people in every industry. I have come up with some ideas for them.
Its time to recollect your strengths and start devoting time to something that you always wanted to do sometime in your life and were running short of time.

For the people who have a incline towards writing can indulge in writing blogs, novels, poetry etc.
Joining some health club to remove the pressure off your minds is another way to chill out while simultaneously gaining in terms of overall health.
Join a NGO and work for the benefit of the underprivileged people in and around your city. Joining a pre- established NGO can be a better option for those who are new in this field. It will be a experience for a lifetime.
Hmm... For the younger ones, entering into a new relationship can be a option and who knows may be you can meet your dream boy or girl in the process.

Professionals should consider about getting trained on new fields and developing their existing skill set which will help them in future.

Networking and getting reconnected with your old colleagues and friends is something that everybody should do. Visit your native place and recollect the old memories of the times spent together. Go to your college and meet your old teachers and professors, Enquire about their well being and thank them for being so nice to you when you were a kid or at college.

Last but not the least Most important and most rewarding activity would be to try constantly to come out of this status which is called ON BENCH.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


दूर गगन के पार से कर रहा
वार मुझ पर वो बारम्बार
कहीं शरण की जगह नहीं
है वो सबका मालिक निर्विकार
कभी कभी झलक रौशनी की
अन्यथा सर्वदा सत्ता है अन्धकार की
क्यों वो करता है ये ज़ुल्म ये अत्याचार
मन मेरा ही करता मुझसे प्रशन बारम्बार

उसकी सत्ता के मोहरे हैं हम
किन्तु जड़ता का मोह करते हम
स्वतः चलायमान हो पाते जो अगर
सरल सुगम हो जाती जीवन डगर
क्यों रखता वो समस्त अधिकार
हम हैं क्या निश्छल निर्जीव
बस चलते फिरते कर्तव्यों का भार
अब बहुत हुई मनमानी और अत्याचार
नहीं सहेंगे ये दुष्टता बारम्बार

करना है अब निष्पक्ष विचार और अचार
क्या ज़रूरी है मानव और उसका व्यवहार
होगा जो अति बलवान अगर वो
देगा शमा हर बार हमें वो
करना है अब हमे आचार वही
जो मांगे पल पल का प्रत्युत्तर
बढना है बस उसी पथ पर
जो करे युध्घोश उसकी सता पर
लड़ना होगा पराजय से बार बार
अंतिम सुख की शय्या मिलने तक बारम्बार

I can't see

She is cute
She is beautiful
She is sassy
She is lovable
But invisible, I can’t see.

She cares for me
She is the future I see
She is the light within me
She is a pretty gal
But invisible, I can’t see.

She may also love me
She and I can be together as we
She is the world for me
I promised to THE But invisible, I can’t see.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

My conversations with a mumbai taxiwallah

Recently I had a chance to visit the economic capital of world's largest democracy Although my motives were different and I had no intentions even in my wildest of dreams to discuss the opinion of a taxiwallah about nano. But i think it was the long journey and the freshness of mumbai morning that motivated me for the discussion. I asked him about his perception about nano and the response i got was not expected by me at least. He declared it a toy car, and then all the journey from Navi mumbai to Andheri went in convincing him that its a real car and it runs on normal gasoline fuel.
He was really pissed of with the pricing which was now within reach of many people and expressed his worry about the loans that poor people will take to have the luxury of owning a "car". It was that moment that i felt so small and immediately a picture took its shape in my cerebrum part of brain. where a poor auto wallah is selling his auto to a moneylender just bcoz her wife wants a nano car. I could imagine people fighting on the ration shop over the subsidized petrol available for nano owners who are below poverty line.
Then a thought process started, whether the car was really needed or it was just a gimmick in the eyes of people of India that it is a car for the masses.
Although i could convince the taxiwallah about the benefits of nano over his old kaali peeli fiat which guzzles out smoke at the rate of a fully loaded truck. But, I could sense the attachment and affection of taxiwallah and his unwillingness to part with his old Fiat whatever may be the case.
I had reached andheri by now and was thinking about the interview which was going to happen in the next one hour.

Professional dilemma

There are things which are politically correct, then there are some which are technically correct but most dangerous are those which are politically correct and technically incorrect. As an engineer it is always desirable from me that I should deliver things that are technically correct but at the same time the political correctness is also required.
Sometimes it becomes difficult to cope with such situations where reputation of someone is at stake. Now the question arises, what is the correct way : Doing justice to the engineering profession or doing justice to the relations that you have developed over a period of time or doing justice to your personal benefits watever may be the outcome.
If I see around there are many people who show that they are working for the product or doing justice with the profession but internally they have motives that are devestating for the culture and not in the best interest of the product.
And no doubt these people can rise to higher positions and handle much more sophisticated things but wat worries me is the fact that whether with time those people going to change??
If the answer is no then the situation is alarming and I m worried with the evolution of this new trend of opportunitism.