How does it feel to be on bench? It is something that most of the software engineers might have experienced sometime in their professional lives except the lucky ones which were saved by the wrath of the economic recession. Now the question arises what a person can possibly do while on a bench? If it was physically a bench one could always lie down and sleep but it is not true in most of the cases. So, there is a scope of business for a company which can provide solutions and activities to the bench stuck talented people in every industry. I have come up with some ideas for them.
Its time to recollect your strengths and start devoting time to something that you always wanted to do sometime in your life and were running short of time.
For the people who have a incline towards writing can indulge in writing blogs, novels, poetry etc.
Joining some health club to remove the pressure off your minds is another way to chill out while simultaneously gaining in terms of overall health.
Join a NGO and work for the benefit of the underprivileged people in and around your city. Joining a pre- established NGO can be a better option for those who are new in this field. It will be a experience for a lifetime.
Hmm... For the younger ones, entering into a new relationship can be a option and who knows may be you can meet your dream boy or girl in the process.
Professionals should consider about getting trained on new fields and developing their existing skill set which will help them in future.
Networking and getting reconnected with your old colleagues and friends is something that everybody should do. Visit your native place and recollect the old memories of the times spent together. Go to your college and meet your old teachers and professors, Enquire about their well being and thank them for being so nice to you when you were a kid or at college.
Last but not the least Most important and most rewarding activity would be to try constantly to come out of this status which is called ON BENCH.
Its time to recollect your strengths and start devoting time to something that you always wanted to do sometime in your life and were running short of time.
For the people who have a incline towards writing can indulge in writing blogs, novels, poetry etc.
Joining some health club to remove the pressure off your minds is another way to chill out while simultaneously gaining in terms of overall health.
Join a NGO and work for the benefit of the underprivileged people in and around your city. Joining a pre- established NGO can be a better option for those who are new in this field. It will be a experience for a lifetime.
Hmm... For the younger ones, entering into a new relationship can be a option and who knows may be you can meet your dream boy or girl in the process.
Professionals should consider about getting trained on new fields and developing their existing skill set which will help them in future.
Networking and getting reconnected with your old colleagues and friends is something that everybody should do. Visit your native place and recollect the old memories of the times spent together. Go to your college and meet your old teachers and professors, Enquire about their well being and thank them for being so nice to you when you were a kid or at college.
Last but not the least Most important and most rewarding activity would be to try constantly to come out of this status which is called ON BENCH.
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