Saturday, November 8, 2008

feeling choked with these questions.....

Work in the office has increased exponentially, and I am not getting enough time to focus on essay part of my ISB application. As usual I am banking on last days which can be fatal. I don't know why engineers develop a habit of leaving things to the last moment. The very thought of writing these essays is giving me nightmares. Why you want to do MBA from a particular school? What kind of a question is this. Since, neither I have the score to apply to Harvard and nor I own a billion dollar company which can get me a honorary degree from it , I am applying to this particular school. Will they accept this as a reason which is very true for me and many other applicants.If these business schools boast to be best in the world, then why they admit only the best. Why don't they admit an average or below average student with a pathetic profile and develop them then into future leaders and managers.?
I am full of these kind of silly questions and hoping that adcom members don't read the blog.

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