Sunday, November 9, 2008

Feeling light as air....confidence is the key

Today is Sunday and as usual I cursed the company management in the morning for keeping Thursday off policy. I was woke up really early today and had the time to have a look at news.
A company as big is General Motors is approaching towards its end. Despite constant and regular layoffs its revival is impossible without Federal aid.
I appreciate TATA management for maintaining its ethical and philanthropic approach even in these difficult times. Although it has laid some temporary workers, it is not going to be sufficient. I don't know the strategy of the company but corporate spokesperson has denied any possibility of further layoffs.
I am feeling light because I feel this blogging and writing on a couple of sites is really interesting and gives fruitful results. Ya you guessed it right ....I got in contact with an alum of ISB and now my queries will get answered.....hurrah..
As if time was not going too fast, I have accepted training request for DC training from 17th to 20th NOV. Now I have to complete the application process before 17 th . Wish me good luck as I am feeling very confident today.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

feeling choked with these questions.....

Work in the office has increased exponentially, and I am not getting enough time to focus on essay part of my ISB application. As usual I am banking on last days which can be fatal. I don't know why engineers develop a habit of leaving things to the last moment. The very thought of writing these essays is giving me nightmares. Why you want to do MBA from a particular school? What kind of a question is this. Since, neither I have the score to apply to Harvard and nor I own a billion dollar company which can get me a honorary degree from it , I am applying to this particular school. Will they accept this as a reason which is very true for me and many other applicants.If these business schools boast to be best in the world, then why they admit only the best. Why don't they admit an average or below average student with a pathetic profile and develop them then into future leaders and managers.?
I am full of these kind of silly questions and hoping that adcom members don't read the blog.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Which is the right path....?

Working and earning a living to it the right path? Devoting your life to your it the right path? constantly striving for growth by all it the right path? or working for the benefit of common it the right path? Sometimes these thoughts come to my mind take my sleep away? I really become very uncomfortable. Now what causes this uncomfort is the question I am struggling with now a days. Right now I want to follow all the paths at the same time but it is not possible for a guy like me with limited resources and knowledge to make it happen.
I see people around me who are least bothered about these non- productive and absurd issues and I see no fault of them in thinking so, because all people are different and everybody has aright to think and act in his/her own way. But, what really bothers me is the thing that, how come so many people are living and just living, day by day, without any specific goals in their life or objectives.
This thought came to my mind when I happened to converse with a fellow colleague about his life. It goes like this
Why do you come to office?
To earn
Why you want to earn?
To meet my both ends meet, to cater to the need of my family and food etc.
Why you wanna do that?
Because there is no body else
If there had been somebody else, what would you have been doing?
Probably the same thing
See now the question arises, also if there had been somebody else to earn a living, he would be doing the same damn job. Here what lacks is the clarity of objectives in life and billions of people in this world are like him only. Any solutions..............???

In search of myself....

I am passing through an important phase in my life and working hard to make my life more complicated. During these last two months my perception of this world has changed. Now I see the world from a different angle. Suddenly, it seems to me that, life is full of opportunities and those need to be explored.
I don't really know,what has brought this change in me but it is for sure that I am going to take some different path in my career and life very soon. Only I need the threshold energy for it.
My desire to do MBA may be only a part of this process and but is one of the most important step to achieve the transition.